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Sequence and protein analysis tools

A selection of useful tools to aid with sequence and protein analysis.

There are numerous useful tools available online covering genomics, proteomics and structural biology. Here we have highlighted a few, which provide useful information for protein production and analysis.

Useful links


ExPASy is a portal that gives access to many databases and software tools covering genomics, proteomics, and structural biology. It is an excellent resource for sequence and structural analysis of proteins.

DNA translator

DNA translator is a tool for translating nucleotide sequences into protein sequences.


Blast compares either nucleotide or protein sequences to a nucleotide or protein database, respectively. This identifies matching or similar sequences to the query sequence and can identify sequences with homology.

Protein-protein alignment tool

The Protein-protein alignment tool enables you to enter protein sequences to generate a protein-protein alignment. This is an excellent way of comparing homology between sequences.


Protparam is a tool for computing parameters from the protein sequence. This includes molecular weight, theoretical pI, amino acid composition, atomic composition, extinction coefficient, estimated half-life, instability index, aliphatic index, and grand average of hydropathicity.

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