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Using the Climate Action Graphic

Understand when to use the Climate Action Graphic, and choose and download the right Climate Action Graphic to use.

What does the Climate Action Graphic represent?

The Climate Action Graphic - a stylised labyrinth, forming a tree
Climate Action Graphic

The graphic represents both the challenge of a labyrinth and the solution of collective thinking.

The tree resemblance reminds us that alongside the people and communities which will suffer from the devastating effects of climate change, nature will also be impacted should we not take the urgent action required.

Tackling climate change is like navigating a labyrinth. It is immensely challenging and complex, and there are myriad decisions that we must urgently make to avoid the worst impacts.

A university though is uniquely well-placed to navigate this labyrinth, through the collaborative brainpower of its academics and students. Delivering education that empowers students to become future leaders and innovators in our response to the climate crisis and undertaking research that enables the transition to a low carbon future and delivers solutions for adaptation at pace.

Our collective thought leadership stimulates local, national and international responses.

It is this approach, and working together as a community, that will allow us to meet the greatest challenge we have faced.

When should I use the Climate Action Graphic?

Across the University we will be using the graphic on all action that supports us achieving our Net Zero Carbon commitments and Climate Action Framework objectives.

We encourage the use of the graphic on all initiatives that support the University in transitioning to a zero carbon campus.

Examples could include using the graphic on:

  • A refurbishment or recycling scheme,

  • Changes to a lab introduced through the LEAF programme,

  • A series of lectures related to Climate Change,

  • Initiatives to help staff/students reduce their emissions (e.g., Student Switch Off or End of Year recycling campaign)

  • Climate friendly policies or guidance- Repair Café

  • Supporting low carbon transport options (e.g., walking maps or Dr. Bike schemes)

If you are planning to use this graphic, please let the climate action team know first. If you are unsure whether you should use this graphic on your project, please contact us and we can discuss this with you.

When should I not use the Climate Action Graphic?

Climate change of course is inherently interconnected with a variety of wider environmental and societal issues. We are strong advocates of the University’s work across these broader agendas but would ask that the Climate Action Graphic is only used on those initiatives which are directly related to reducing the University’s climate footprint or our work on addressing the Climate Emergency.

Examples of where you would not use the climate action logo include:

  • Promoting Fairtrade (we are strong advocates of this agenda but it’s key aim is not climate related, though communities involved may also be vulnerable to the effects of climate change.)

  • Biodiversity initiatives to encourage wildlife on campus (e.g., Hedgehog Friendly Campus campaigns)

  • Widening participation initiatives

  • Social Justice Campaigns (local or national) unless specifically linked to the needs of communities facing the impact of climate change (for example, increased extreme weather events, rising sea water)

Download the Climate Action Graphic Style Guide

All the information you need about using the different versions of the graphic, including information for designers, and spacing requirements can be found in our style guide.

Download the Style Guide

Download the Climate Action Graphic

We prefer that the full colour version of the graphic is used where possible.

If you are using the graphic externally or in a context broader than just the University, please use it alongside the University of Bath logo (combined version can be downloaded below).

If using internally, the Climate Action Graphic can be used on its own.

Download the green graphic:

Climate Action Graphic: Green, Landscape

Climate Action Graphic: Green, Portrait

Climate Action Graphic & UoB Logo: Green

Download the slate grey graphic:

Use this logo on a white or light background for good readability.

Climate Action Graphic : Slate Grey, Landscape

Climate Action Graphic : Slate Grey, Portrait

Climate Action Graphic & UoB Logo: Slate Grey

Download the white graphic:

Only use this version of the logo on a dark background.

Climate Action Graphic: White, Landscape

Climate Action Graphic: White, Portrait

Climate Action Graphic & UoB Logo: White

Contact Us

If you have any questions about how to use the Climate Action Graphic, please contact the Climate Action team to discuss it.

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