3MT® competition rules and judging criteria
Learn more about the 3MT® competition rules and the criteria by which your presentation will be judged against
Legal information about the University, including policies, procedures, and regulations.
Learn more about the 3MT® competition rules and the criteria by which your presentation will be judged against
Our Athena Swan awards demonstrate an ongoing commitment to the advancement of gender equality: representation, progression and success for all.
An overview of the committee structure for academic departments
The policy for academic freedom and the corresponding responsibilities of the University and its academic staff.
The statement a student agrees to when submitting any assessment attempt.
The procedures for staff appealing against a decision of the Academic Staff Committee, and the Academic Staff Appeal Committee when hearing the appeal.
If you run, write for, or maintain a blog on blogs.bath.ac.uk, you should read and follow our acceptable use procedure.
Our buildings use an Access Control system activated by your library card. Find out how and why we use this system, and what we do to protect your information.
The terms and conditions covering your stay in our accommodation.
This section deals with research projects that have officially terminated but where balances still remain. This procedure is effective from 1 April 2006.