This policy applies to all premises and equipment and activities falling, to any extent, under the University’s control.
The Health and Safety at Work, etc. Act 1974
Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015
‘Asbestos’ is the general term used for the fibrous silicates. Three main types of asbestos were commonly used in construction:
crocidolite (commonly known as blue asbestos)
amosite (commonly known as brown asbestos)
chrysotile (commonly known as white asbestos)
Any material containing one or more of these fibrous silicates at more than trace amounts falls within this definition.
Asbestos-Containing Material (ACM)
Any material containing fibrous silicates or mixtures of them. Descriptions of typical ACMs are provided in L143: Managing and working with asbestos Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 (Health and Safety Executive (2013).
Management survey
The purpose of a management survey is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspect ACMs in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy, including foreseeable maintenance and installation, and to assess their condition. All areas, including underfloor coverings, above false ceilings, and inside risers, service ducts and lift shafts, should be accessed and inspected as far as is reasonably practicable.
Surveying may involve some minor intrusive work, such as accessing behind fascia and panels and other surfaces or superficial materials. The extent of intrusion will depend on the degree of disturbance that is or will be necessary for foreseeable maintenance and related activities, including the installation of new equipment or cabling.
Refurbishment and Demolition survey
A refurbishment and demolition survey is needed before any refurbishment or demolition work is carried out. This type of survey is used to locate and describe, as far as reasonably practicable, all ACMs in the area where the refurbishment work will take place or in the whole building if demolition is planned.
The survey will be fully intrusive and involve destructive inspection, as necessary, to gain access to all areas, including those that may be difficult to reach. A refurbishment and demolition survey may also be required in other circumstances, for example when more intrusive maintenance and repair work will be carried out or for plant removal or dismantling.
Works on asbestos include:
work which removes, repairs or disturbs asbestos
work which is ancillary to such work (ancillary work)
supervising the work referred to in the two bullet points above (supervisory work)
Licenced contractors
The HSE only allows certain works on ACM to be carried out by contractors. Contractors will only be issued with a 'licence' if they can demonstrate that have the necessary skills, competency, expertise, knowledge and experience of work with asbestos, together with excellent health and safety management systems.
Policy statement
The University will manage − so far as reasonably practicable − all asbestos containing materials (ACM) falling under its control in such a manner as to minimise the risk of any person being exposed to asbestos fibres. The University will aim to achieve this policy by:
identifying ACM within relevant buildings. Where it is not reasonably practicable to identify ACM, for example ACM that may be located in inaccessible areas, then the University will presume that asbestos is present and manage accordingly
risk assessing each identified ACM taking into account the likelihood, and the likely number of people that might be exposed, in the event of an uncontrolled release of asbestos fibres
implementing appropriate control measures to reduce the risk of exposure of people to asbestos fibres from each ACM. The following general principles will be applied:
- where ACM is assessed as being in good condition then this will generally be left in situ and managed
- where ACM is assessed as posing a risk to health it will be, so far as is reasonably practicable, removed or encapsulated
- where removal or encapsulation is not reasonably practicable then access to the ACM will be managed to reduce the risk of exposure as low as is reasonably practicable
implementing a system of monitoring of each remaining ACM at intervals determined by the risk assessment
carrying out a Refurbishment and Demolition survey as an integral part of the planning process for any refurbishment or demolition works carried out in University owned, managed or occupied premises
planning, managing, delivering and monitoring all work that could result in the release of asbestos fibres. In the case of works that involve the removal or encapsulation or other activities that will lead to the release of asbestos fibres, regardless of asbestos type, these will only be carried out by organisations licensed to carry out such works by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
devising and implementing emergency procedures to reduce the risk of exposure of people as low as is reasonably practicable in the event of an unplanned and/or uncontrolled release of asbestos fibres
providing suitable and sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision to employees and contractors to reduce the risk of uncontrolled release of asbestos fibres as low as is reasonably practicable
review this policy and any associated procedures at regular intervals, or following any uncontrolled release of asbestos fibres, to ensure that it is working efficiently and effectively
The Vice-Chancellor (VC) has the overall day to day responsibility for health and safety matters at the University. The VC delegates responsibility for undertaking aspects of these duties through line management and identified roles.
The following people are identified as having responsibilities (in addition to any other responsibilities under other health and safety policy) for the management of asbestos risks in those areas, and for those relevant persons, that fall under their control:
The Director of Campus Infrastructure
The Director of Campus Infrastructure has been delegated responsibility for the day–to-day management of all asbestos matters associated with building fabric, services and infrastructure. The Director of Campus Infrastructure will be responsible for ensuring that a University Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) is developed and implemented. The AMP will set out how the Director of Campus Infrastructure will meet the day-to-day responsibilities placed on him under this policy. This will include arrangements for ensuring that:
all University properties constructed prior to 2000 are subject to a management survey
a record of all identified and/or presumed ACM is maintained and is available for inspection as and when required
all ACM identified within management surveys is risk assessed in accordance with HSE approved methods. This will include consideration of the type, location, condition and extent of any ACM and the likelihood and severity of any potential disturbance and uncontrolled release of fibres
control measures identified by ACM risk assessments are implemented, as appropriate
suitable and sufficient resources, including access to competent asbestos advice and management, are available
a suitable and sufficient 'Refurbishment and Demolition' survey is carried out, as part of the project planning process for all invasive works on relevant building fabric, services and infrastructure
asbestos risks associated with works notified to Campus Infrastructure by other parts of the University under the Management of Contractors Policy and procedures are assessed and that suitable and sufficient control measures are identified and implemented
suitable and sufficient asbestos information, instruction, training and supervision is made available to any person who may potentially be exposed to an uncontrolled release of asbestos fibres
records are maintained of all asbestos-related information, instruction and training provided by Campus Infrastructure to University employees and contractors
suitable and sufficient emergency procedures are developed and implemented to reduce risks to persons as low as reasonably practicable following an uncontrolled release of asbestos fibres
emergency procedures are communicated, as appropriate, to other members of the campus community
the written Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) is reviewed, at least quarterly, by the Campus Infrastructure Asbestos Management Group, to ensure that risks associated with ACM are being managed effectively
progress in ensuring risks of exposure to asbestos fibres are being managed is reported to the University Health and Safety Committee at least annually
The Director of Campus Infrastructure has appointed the following to assist him to fulfil his duties under this policy:
Asbestos Compliance Manager to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the Campus Infrastructure Asbestos Management Plan.
Campus Infrastructure Asbestos Management Group (chaired by the Director of Campus Infrastructure) with responsibility for developing and monitoring the implementation of the AMP and assisting with the development of associated University Policy.
Campus Infrastructure has engaged a competent UK Assurance Service (UKAS) Accredited asbestos consultant (Life Environmental Ltd.) to provide competent asbestos management advice and services to support the delivery of the AMP. A framework of Licensed Asbestos Removal Contractors has been procured to undertake all asbestos abatement and removal works. These contracts are overseen by Campus Infrastructure's Asbestos Compliance Manager.
Deans, Heads of Department and Directors will:
cooperate with the Director of Campus Infrastructure, and any appointed deputies or appointed assistants (such as University Asbestos Manager) to enable them to meet their responsibilities under this policy
not permit alterations, additions or other works on building fabric, services or infrastructure to be carried out by their staff or students or by contractors directly employed by their School, Faculty, Department or Directorate without first seeking written approval from the Director of Campus Infrastructure or their nominated deputy
report any asbestos management issues or concerns to the Director of Campus Infrastructure (or nominated deputy or assistants) as soon as is reasonably practicable
Head of Safety, Health and Employee Wellbeing will be responsible for:
assisting the Director of Campus Infrastructure in the production and implementation of the University Asbestos Management Plan
contributing to the monitoring of the Asbestos Management Plan by attendance at the Campus Infrastructure’ Asbestos Management Group
providing advice and guidance on the implementation of this policy
Campus Infrastructure’ Asbestos Management Group will be responsible for:
monitoring the Campus Infrastructure Asbestos Management Plan to ensure that risks associated with ACM are being managed effectively and efficiently
reporting any deficiencies and recommendations to the Director of Campus Infrastructure and University Health and Safety Committee as appropriate
University Health and Safety Committee will be responsible for:
monitoring and reviewing this policy. Reviews will be carried out every two years from the date of approval
receiving and reviewing annual statements of reassurance from Duty Holders
Document control
Date of last review: The current policy was agreed at UHSC September 2023.
Date of next review: The policy is scheduled for review in September 2025.
The University's Campus Infrastructure Department is currently reviewing its structures and processes for managing Asbestos risks. If this review results in material changes to the University's overarching policy then this policy will be updated in advance of the scheduled review date.