- The Committee will be chaired by the Head of Department or their nominee.
- The Head of Department will appoint the members of the Committee from those staff with learning and teaching responsibilities within the Department.
- The membership will include departmental staff with senior learning and teaching reponsibilities (e.g. Directors of Teaching or equivalent) and any Link Academic Adviser within the Department.
- The Head of Learning Partnerships Office or nominee will be entitiled to attend meetings of each Department Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee when business in relation to collaborative provision is for consideration.
- The Department Staff/Sudent Liaison Committee will elect one undergraduate and one postgraduate student to the membership of the Committee (although departments may decide not to include a postgraduate student member at the discretion of the Dean of Faculty)
Terms of Reference
To monitor academic development, academic standards and quality of learning and teaching in the department, including programmes evaluation, student feedback (including the National Student Survey), reports from External Examiners, Directors of Studies and the Staff/Student Liaison Committee(s), new academic initiatives, quality assurance procedural and academic framework requirements and degree scheme review and professional accreditation reports.
To advise the Department Executive Committee on development and implementation of strategy and policy in relation to learning and teaching within the department.
To implement, monitor and promote good practice and innovation in relation to the enhancement of the quality of learning and teaching in the department, in partnership with the Faculty, Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee and including oversight of e-eduction initiatives.
To promote continuing dialogue between staff and students in the development and enhancement of the student learning experience, in parnership with the Faculty Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee and Staff/Student Liaison Committee(s) and including the identification and implementation of effective student engagement practice.
To consider matters referred to the Committee routinely in the course of review and monitoring processes, such as Good Practice Discussions, Degree Scheme Review, Minor and Intermediate Changes to Units and New Units, Feedback on Assessed Work and Annual Monitoring of Programmes (see QA4, QA13, QA15, QA49 and QA51 respectively) and any other responsibilities set out in the Quality Assurance Code of Practice.
Business: The Committee will be responsible for both postgraduate and undergradute business but where the Head of Department/Chair feels that the former require separate consideration from the latter, this may be addressed by creation of sub-committee with a postgraduate remit or by agenda management.
Meetings: Attendance at meetings of the Committee by persons other than members of the Committee is by invitation only. Any such attendance must be approved by the Chair in advance of the meeting. The Committee will normally meet at least twice per semester.
Minutes: Submitted to the Faculty Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee. The minutes may be circulated witht he agenda and papers for each meeting of the Faculty Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee or may be placed on the Learning Materials Filestore for access by the members of the Faculty Learning, Teaching and Quality Committee in advance of their next meeting.