- The Committee will be chaired by the Head of Department or their nominee
- One representative of each of the research groups within the deparment
- Other researchers* from the department appointed by the Head of Department
Terms of Reference
In line with the University strategy, the Department Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee is responsible for the implementation of the Faculty research and knowledge exchange strategy and for the academic standards and quality of research and impact activities in the Department, through:
(1) supporting activities that drive high impact research, affirming the importance of curiosity-driven research, growing research strength to drive research quality, achievement and impact
(2) the identification, monitoring and promotion of the means by which the Department can meet current and emerging research opportunities with the particular goals of increasing research income and research output quality, achieving research impact and meeting the other research and knowledge exchange objectives of the University Strategy
(3) monitoring and responding to research-related performance indicators in order to support improvements in the research standing of the University, in particular with respect to national and international research assessments
(4) encouraging engagement in University Research Centres, both within and cross Faculty
(5) supporting and promoting the development of a world-class and inclusive research culture in the Department to deliver excellence across the research environment, including research supervision, interdisciplinarity, partnerships and collaborations, and embedding equality and diversity at the core of all research activities
(6) Ensuring that research is conducted in accordance with
- a. the University’s research integrity and ethics frameworks, the Code of Practice in Research Integrity and the research misconduct procedure
- b. The concordat to support research integrity and any statutory regulations that may apply in their field of research
(7) promotion and sharing of good practice in respect of research, including minimising climate impacts of research conduct
(8) support the evaluation, reporting and promotion of the impact of research
Meetings: Attendance at meetings of the Committee by persons other than members of the Committee is by invitation only. Any such attendance must be approved by the Chair in advance of the meeting. The Committee will normally meet at least twice per semester.
Minutes: Submitted to the Faculty Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee. The minutes may be circulated with the agenda and papers for each meeting of the Faculty Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee or may be placed on the Learning Materials Filestore for access by members of the Faculty Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee in advance of their next meeting.
- where 'researcher' is as defined by the Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers