- The Chair will be elected by the Committee from its membership of the Committee at the first meeting of the academic session. This role may be undertaken by a student member of the Committee.
- Director of Studies (or equivalent) of programmes within the remit of the Committee.
- A minimum of six student members, including at least one postgraduate student where appropriate, elected by campus ballot using the online election process co-ordinated by the Students' Union.
Terms of Reference
(QA48, Paragraph 4.4 refers).
To provide a two-way channel of communication between staff and all sections of the student cohort about all aspects of the student learning experience.
To consider matters referred to the Committee routinely in the course of review and monitoring processes, such as Good Practice Discussions, Degree Scheme Review, External Examiners reports and the associated responses, Feedback Policies and Annual Monitoring of Programmes (see QA54, QA13, QA12 QA16 and QA51 respectively).
To comment upon proposed amendments to units and programmes affecting existing students (see QA4).
To comment upon the results of, and contribute to the formulation of action plans in response to, surveys of student opinion, such as Unit Evaluations, the National Student Survey (NSS), the Postgraduate Research Experience Survey (PRES), the Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey (PTES) and other internal and external university student surveys.
To consider annually the operation of the personal tutor system (see QA33).
To consider any other matters referred to the Committee by other departmental, Faculty/ School/Learning Partnerships Office or institutional committees.
*QA Code of Practice: Quality Assurance Code of Practice Statement 48 sets out the principles on which Staff/Student Liaison Committee operate in order to support effective two-way communication between the University and the student body about all aspects of the student learning experience. QA48 should be referred to in conjunction with the above membership and terms of reference.
Membership: Each department is required to have at least one Staff/Student Liaison Committee. The Head of Department, with the agreement of the Dean, may elect to establish separate committees for undergraduate and postgraduate research/taught staff/student liaison. The Head of Department will ensure that all programmes of study are individually or collectively represented. The total number of staff members must not exceed the total number of student members on the Committee.
Minutes: The Committee has a formal line of report to their Faculty/School Baord of Studies. This may be fulfilled through the submission of either minutes of the meetings of the Committee or an annual report from the Committee. The minutes should also be reported to relevant teaching or programme committees ( or equivalent) within the Department and disseminated to the wider student cohort and relevant members of staff (see QA48, Para 4.12 and Para 6.12).
Meetings: Attendance at meetings of the Committee by persons other than members of the Committee is by invitation only. Any such attendance must be approved by the Chair in advance of the meeting. A minimum of two meetings of the Committee will be held per semester, equating to a minimum of four meetings per year where programmes operate outside the University's semester pattern.
Other: - A Staff/Student Liaison Committee may be held for distance learning programmes using the Virtual Learning Environment. - Any amendement to the constitution and terms of reference of the Committee must be approved by the Faculty Board of Studies. - The constitution and terms of reference of the Committee(s) will be reviewed periodically by the Faculty Board of Studies.