Conferment of titles
In accordance with Ordinance 8.4(f), Senate has responsibility for the conferment of the title of Professor Emeritus or Honorary Professor, Reader or Lecturer, or such other title.
Honorary Professor, Reader or Lecturer Appointments
1) The title of Honorary Professor, Reader or Lecturer may be conferred on persons who are of sufficient standing and distinction in their own profession or area of activity that were they a member of staff of the University they would be appointed at the level of the title to be conferred. The recipient will be associated with, co-operate with or make a substantial contribution to the activities of the University in an honorary capacity. The title may not be conferred until any contract of employment between the individual and the University has ended. The conferment of the title is on an unpaid basis (although payment is permitted on an independent consultancy basis for a specific project/activity).
2) Persons nominated could be senior academics at other universities, persons who have left the University to undertake work of an essentially academic nature outside of higher education or recent retirees.
1) A proposal for conferment of the title of Honorary Professor, Reader or Lecturer is submitted to the Vice-Chancellor by the Dean of Faculty/Head of School. The proposal will state how the nominee meets the criteria set out above and the date from which the title is to be conferred. It will include details of the role which the nominated person will perform within the Faculty/School/Department or within the University during the period of appointment. A CV, together with evidence of achievements such that they would be appointed to the level sought if they were a member of staff of the University, will also be provided. The proposal will be considered by the Vice-Chancellor who will, if he/she concurs, recommend the conferment of the title to Senate.
2) The recommendation will normally be considered at the next available meeting of Senate but may be dealt with using vacation powers or urgent business procedure of Senate in exceptional circumstances if deemed necessary.
3) The title is an honour in the gift of the University. There is no appeal process in the event that the University decides not to confer the title.
1) The holder of the title of Honorary Professor, Reader or Lecturer is a Member of the University. The normal period of appointment will be three years and is renewable.
2) An Honorary Professor, Reader or Lecturer:
- will be eligible for membership of the University Library and a BUCS User Account;
- will be eligible for membership of the sports facilities of the University;
- will have the use of the recreational and social facilities of the University;
- may be invited by the Dean of Faculty/Head of School to continue to contribute to the academic work of the University and other activities as appropriate, including supervision of undergraduate and postgraduate taught projects subject to the approval of the Faculty/School Board of Studies;
- may be appointed by the Doctoral College Board of Studies on an annual basis to supervise research students provided they are not the lead supervisor;
- may, where the funder allows, be named as a Co-Investigator or Consultant in research grant or contract applications;
- will have access to shared facilities such as hot desk, printing/copying, fax and telephone to assist them in their work for the University where necessary (subject to approval by the Dean of Faculty/Head of School);
- may receive publications from the University and invitations to attend ceremonial occasions/events of the University.
3) An Honorary Professor, Reader or Lecturer is not entitled to office space and/or any other benefits/facilities/resources other than those stated at paragraph 2 above. However, an individual case for access to office space and/or any other facilities/resources may be submitted in writing to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor via the Dean of Faculty/Head of School for approval. This case must set out the specific requirements for office space/facilities/resources, together with the purpose of and period of the proposed use. Any further benefits or privileges granted on an individual basis to an Honorary Professor, Reader or Lecturer by their Head of Department will be subject to annual review.
4) An Honorary Professor shall have the same privileges as a Professor of the University for all purposes of courtesy and at ceremonial occasions/events to which they are invited.
Criteria and Procedures for other Honorary Titles
1) Separate criteria and procedures have been previously approved by Senate for the appointment to honorary roles in the Department for Health and Department of Psychology.
2) Honorary Fellows are persons of distinction in organisations with strong affiliations to the University who by their association with the University provide a significant contribution which is of benefit to the University and to recognise the importance of the relationship between the appointee and the University. The title of Honorary Fellow of the University is conferred by Senate, for life, on the recommendation of a Board of Studies. An Honorary Fellow is expected to further the general mission of the University, and in particular that of the Department or School bringing forward the nomination. An Honorary Fellow has the same rights and privileges as an Honorary Graduate and is a Member of the University.
3) Distinguished Professors (variants on this title such as Distinguished Research Professor or Distinguished Teaching Professor may also be used) are Professorial employees of the University who have demonstrated sustained world class academic leadership and achievements in their field over a significant number of years. Other criteria to be awarded this title might include, but not be limited to their involvement in professional academic bodies nationally or globally, or their contribution in University-wide roles. The title of Distinguished Professor is conferred by Senate for the duration of their membership of the University, on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor.
Withdrawal of title
1) Any of the titles conferred as set out above may be surrendered by the holder by notice in writing to the Secretary to Senate. The holder of the title of Professor Emeritus or Honorary Professor is normally required to relinquish the rights of the title if they take up employment at an institution that has the right to confer the title of Professor.
2) Senate has the power to revoke any of the titles conferred as set out above where it is satisfied that the individual concerned has acted in such a way as to bring the University into disrepute.
Visiting Academic Appointments
1) Any member of the Academic Staff of another University who is visiting the University of Bath for a specified period of time should retain their normal title with the addition of the word 'Visiting'. The title may be used by the holder when they are acting in a visiting capacity for the University of Bath.
2) An exception to this general rule applies to Associate and Assistant Professors who should be given the title of Visiting Lecturer.
3) A visiting title may be conferred on a nominee who is not a member of the Academic Staff of another University and who is prepared to take an active part in the academic work of the University by contributing either to teaching and/or research for a minimum of 20 days in a calendar year.
4) The title of Visiting Lecturer/Senior Lecturer is normally used for a nominee whose main contribution will be to the University's teaching programme. The title of Visiting Research Fellow/Senior Research Fellow is normally used for a nominee whose main contribution will be to the University's research programme.
5) The title of Industrial Fellow or Executive Fellow may be conferred on nominees of distinction from industry or business who, perhaps by lack of published work, might not meet all the criteria for the grant of any other visiting title.
1) A proposal for the conferment of a visiting title (including those of Industrial Fellow and Visiting Teacher Practitioner) is submitted to the Dean of Faculty/Head of School. The proposal will state how the nominee meets the criteria set out above, the nature of their contribution and the length of their attachment to the University and will include a Curriculum Vitae. The proposal will be considered by the Dean of Faculty/Head of School (in consultation with the Deputy Vice-Chancellor in the case of conferment of the title of Visiting Professor, independent references to be obtained at the discretion of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor) who will, if he/she concurs, recommend the conferment of the title to the Faculty/School Board of Studies.
2) The conferment of visiting titles is the responsibility of the Faculty/School Board of Studies as delegated by Senate. Details of all such appointments (including name, visiting title, institution, length of attachment and the contribution to be made to the teaching, examining or research work of the University) will be formally approved by the Faculty/School Board of Studies and recorded in its minutes.
3) A copy of the relevant minute, together with a brief curriculum vitae, is sent to the Director of Human Resources who will issue a formal letter of appointment.
4) The Department of Human Resources maintains a list of all visiting appointments in the University and will issue an automatic reminder to the Secretary of the Faculty/School Board of Studies when an appointment is due to expire.
5) Details of all extensions to visiting appointments (including name, visiting title and length of appointment) are subject to formal approval by the Faculty/School Board of Studies and recorded in its minutes. A copy of the relevant minute is then sent to the Director of Human Resources.
6) The conferment of a visiting title is an honour in the gift of the University. There is no appeal process in the event that the University decides not to confer the title.
7) The holder of a visiting title is required to submit a report to the Faculty/School Board of Studies on their activities at the end of their period of office. A Visiting Professor will also submit their report to the Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor. A visiting appointment may be extended provided that the Faculty/School Board of Studies receives a satisfactory report on the contribution made during the previous period of attachment, including details of any lectures, colloquia, seminars, workshops etc given by the individual concerned and/or any research programme carried out independently or in conjunction with members of the University.
8) A visiting title may be surrendered by the holder by notice in writing to the Director of Human Resources. The Faculty/School Board of Studies has the power to revoke any visiting title where it is satisfied that the individual concerned has acted in such a way as to bring the University into disrepute.
1) A visiting title is normally granted for an initial period not exceeding three years and is renewable, subject to the submission of a satisfactory report in accordance with paragraph 7 above. An individual case for access to office space and/or any other facilities/resources may be submitted in writing to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor via the Dean of Faculty/Head of School for approval. Any other benefits or privileges associated with the title will be subject to approval by the Head of Department and to annual review.
Approved by Senate, 2 December 2009
Revised by Senate, 22 February 2012
Revised by Senate, 17 October 2012