Risk management strategy
The risk management strategy was approved by Council in July 2022.
Risk Management is a central part of the organisation’s strategic and operational management. It involves the identification, assessment, treatment and monitoring of risks associated with key organisational activities.
The risk management strategy was approved by Council in July 2022.
Resilience is the ability of an organisation to anticipate, respond and adapt to its environment, including a variety of incidents. Business Continuity Management (BCM) provides a framework for building resilience and capacity for an effective response.
Find out more about Resilience at the University.
The Incident Response Framework (IRF) provides a scalable framework to be used in a variety of scenarios from major incidents to business continuity disruptions
Incident response plans to ensure the university responds to specific incidents, to be used in conjunction with the IRF.
This policy outlines the principles and processes we will follow to support responding health agencies in protecting our community from notifiable diseases.
Find out about Business Continuity at the University.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University has plans and processes in place to develop and maintain effective business continuity arrangements.
We provide assurance to management and governance on our institutional compliance across a range of activities. We offer advice and guidance on policies and procedures to ensure compliance with Office for Students (OfS) conditions of registration.
Guidance for the University community on how to manage data in compliance with the Data Protection Act.
Our safeguarding policies are designed to protect children and adults at risk of harm on our premises or involved in University activities.
Find out more about Prevent at the University.
The University's approach to monitoring, identifying and avoiding bribery.
We operate in a global higher education market and some of our research and teaching activities may fall in scope of the export controls imposed by the UK Government.
Our statement of compliance with export controls.
The Policy reiterates the University's commitment to complying with Export Control Law.
Find out if you need an ATAS certificate to get your visa, how to apply for your certificate and what to do when you have it.
This Quality Assurance (QA) Code of Practice statement sets out the principles and process for approval of a new taught course of study.
The purpose of this policy is to ensure that the University complies with sanctions laws and regulations issued by the UK and US governments
Find information and guidance to help you purchase goods and services on behalf of the University.
These Standing Groups have oversight of various aspects of institutional business and/or compliance on behalf of the University Executive Board and are advisory to UEB.
The terms of reference for the Consumer Regulations Standing Group, including its primary responsibilities.
The terms of reference for the Due Diligence Operations Standing Group, including its primary responsibilities.
The terms of reference for the Financial Probity Standing Group, including its primary responsibilities.
The terms of reference for the Organisational Resilience & Business Continuity Standing Group, including its primary responsibilities.
The terms of reference for the Prevent & Protect Standing Group, including its primary responsibilities.
The terms of reference for the Safeguarding Standing Group, including its primary responsibilities.
Contact information
Internal Audit are a campus-based team of University employees who are organisationally independent of all of the University's operational activities.
We provide advice to the University on a wide range of legal issues which arise from the many activities undertaken at the University.
We are responsible for the development and oversight of the organisational approach to Risk Management, Resilience including Business Continuity and Compliance
We support a range of related assurance functions including Risk Management, organisational resilience, compliance, legal services, FOI and internal audit. We provide leadership and oversight of the institutional approach to Prevent, Safeguarding, Business Continuity and Incident (Emergency) Management.