Dr Chris Blenkinsopp MEng, PhD Dr Christopher Blenkinsopp - Senior Lecturer
Chris is a senior lecturer in the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering, and specialises in hydraulics.
- Remote sensing of coastal processes
- Coastal hydrodynamics
- Coastal sediment transport
- wave breaking and wave energy converters
- LiDAR technology for measuring coastal hydrodynamics
- Investigating storm erosion and recovery of beaches
This person is open to proposals for student research projects
Dr Chris Blenkinsopp was appointed Senior Lecturer in the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering in 2015. His teaching focuses on water engineering and includes hydraulics and coastal engineering. He has expertise in field and laboratory measurements of coastal processes.
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After graduating from his first degree, Chris worked as a coastal engineering consultant in New Zealand and the UK. Following his PhD, he took up a postdoctoral position at the University of South Wales (UNSW) Water Research Laboratory. His role was in the field investigation of sediment transport in the swash zone of sand and gravel beaches.
Chris was appointed Associate Lecturer in Environmental Fluid Mechanics at UNSW in January 2009 and was promoted to Lecturer in 2011. He joined the University of Bath as a Lecturer in 2013.
Chris has been involved in several major field and prototype-scale laboratory experiments including the ECORS project in France and the EU-funded BARDEX 1 and 2 projects at the Delta Flume in the Netherlands.
- MEng in Civil Engineering, University of Nottingham, 2001
- PhD in Civil Engineering, University of Southampton, 2007