Professor Marion Harney BA (Hons), MPhil, PhD Faculty of Engineering & Design Associate Dean (Education)
Marion oversees strategies for learning, teaching and student experience for undergraduate and postgraduate taught courses in the Faculty.
Professor Marion Harney was appointed Associate Dean (Education) in the Faculty of Engineering & Design in 2021.
She is a Senior Lecturer in Conservation in the Department of Architecture & Civil Engineering.
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- Member of the National Trust's Historic Environment Advisory Group
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- Member of the Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture (CASA)
- History and theory of historic, designed and cultural landscapes and their conservation
- Eighteenth century landscape and literature
- Digital reconstruction of lost landscapes
This person is available to supervise research degree projects
Marion joined the University of Bath in 2001 as a Research Officer for the ‘Pevsner Architectural Guide to Bath’ (Yale University Press, 2003).
Marion was a speaker for the European Conservation Summer School, University of Pennsylvania Historic Preservation Programme, and an organising committee member of the VI International Conference Structural Analysis of Historic Construction (SAHC 08). Marion acted as advisor and researcher for an exhibition of research work held at the Réfectoire des Cordeliers at the Sorbonne, Paris (2009).
She was also an adviser to the Steering Group coordinating an ICOMOS-UK conference at the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment and to the American Institute of Architects Historic Resources Committee international conference, Historic Preservation in Professional Architectural Education.
For a time, Marion was Heritage Coordinator at the University of Bath, liaising with organisations involved in heritage matters and arranging a series of symposia concerned with heritage issues.
Marion was a co-investigator with Professor Paul Richens to digitally reconstruct Beckford’s Ride as an interactive model for exhibiting at Beckford’s Tower during the 250th celebrations of William Beckford in 2010. A conference presentation of the project was demonstrated at the Electronic Visualisation and the Arts conference (EVA, London) in July 2011 by Professor Richens and was awarded best in the EVA London 2011 presentation competition.
- BA (hons) degree in English Literature, University of Bristol
- MPhil in Architectural History and Theory, University of Bath
- PhD, University of Bath