Professor Tim Mays BSc, PhD, CPhys, CSci, MInstP, FIChemE Professor Tim Mays
Tim is a Professor of Chemical Engineering and Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment.
- Nanostructured materials for sustainable energy
- Hydrogen storage for energy systems
- Advanced materials for environmental control
- Characterisation and design of porous solids
- Molecular simulations of gas-sold interfaces
- Novel methods for studying porosity in solid materials
- Effects of porosity on material properties such as chemical reactivity and mechanical strength
This person is available to supervise research degree projects
Professor Tim Mays was appointed Head of Department for Chemical Engineering in 2013. He is a Professor in Chemical and Materials Engineering with research expertise in energy and materials research.
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- Director of the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment (I-SEE)
- Co-Director of H2FCSupergen: the hydrogen and fuel cell research hub
Co-Director of the Centre for Sustainable Chemical Technologies (CSCT)
Member of the Centre for Advanced Separations Engineering (CASE)
Member of the Water Innovation and Research Centre: WIRC @ Bath
Member of the Faculty of Engineering & Design Board of Studies
Member of the Engineering & Design Faculty Executive Committee
Tim worked in the nuclear industry before joining the University of Bath to undertake a PhD in nuclear graphites. After graduating, he held the role of postdoctoral research assistant in the Department of Chemical Engineering before joining as an academic member of staff in 1994.
Tim has held the positions of Lecturer, Admissions Tutor, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Director of Postgraduate Studies.