Academic leave process
The process for Academic Staff to follow when booking annual leave.
Documents and other files you can download.
The process for Academic Staff to follow when booking annual leave.
Complete this form to apply for leave associated with a disability.
Nine key behavioural areas which we value and have found to be consistent with high performance across the organisation.
This form needs to be completed at the end of the probation period.
How to apply for flexible working and types of flexible working available. Includes part-time, flexitime, flexible retirement, hybrid working and job sharing.
Use this form to apply to change my hours or working pattern
Managers should use the guidance notes, checklist and template letters when considering a flexible working request.
Letter templates to support managers with the flexible working process.
Guidance process and objectives template for line managers.
Use this form to provide information to your manager and Human Resources about ending your employment at the University.