Academic job description templates
Use these generic templates to help you write job descriptions for academic and teaching roles.
Documents and other files you can download.
Use these generic templates to help you write job descriptions for academic and teaching roles.
Use the flowchart to decide whether to carry out a DBS check.
The job description template which includes the University Effective Behaviours Framework.
Recruit an hourly paid worker by following the steps outlined in the process map.
Use this form to claim for travel and accommodation expenses incurred when attending an interview at the University.
Use the form to record the outcome from an interview and provide to Human Resources.
Practical information and guidance for new staff joining the University of Bath.
Complete this form to assess whether the person you wish to use is an employee or a non-employee.
Guidance on shortlisting candidates for an interview using the Stonefish recruitment system.
Ask an engagee to complete the questionnaire before you engage them for contract work.