A basic income for France: Ideas for a debate
A report exploring the distributional effects of selected options for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scheme in France, authored by Professor Matteo Richiardi.
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A report exploring the distributional effects of selected options for a Universal Basic Income (UBI) scheme in France, authored by Professor Matteo Richiardi.
This paper explores the possibility of funding Universal Basic Income (UBI) programmes through indirect tax reforms.
A report on barriers to women’s participation in local and national government.
A report, authored by Dr Luke Martinelli, that analyses the relationship between basic income, automation and labour market change.
A situation report from the University of Bath Institute for Policy Research (IPR) and The Good Economy.
This report explores the interaction between Universal Credit (UC), earnings, ‘passported’ benefits and other means-tested help for working claimants.
Authored by Dr Rita Griffiths, this report explores the hidden complexities of the £20 weekly uplift for Universal Credit claimants.
An IPR Research Summary about a research partnership between the Institute for Policy Research, BA&NES Council and the local Clinical Commissioning Group.
This report explores how Universal Credit is affecting income security and financial well-being, month to month, in real life settings.
This report explores the experiences of couples receiving Universal Credit, and how they manage work, finances and child care.