07.02.20 - Update on Industrial Action
Update on Industrial Action from the Vice Chancellor
Documents and other files you can download.
Update on Industrial Action from the Vice Chancellor
Industrial Action message from the Vice-Chancellor to students, sent on 12.11.19
Industrial action message from the Vice President (Student Experience) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) to students.
An update on Industrial Action from the Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) and the Vice President (Student Experience)
EPSRC 2018 invitation for CDT proposals - requirements, application process, assessment and guidance.
Industrial action message from the Vice President (Student Experience) and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Learning and Teaching) to students.
To submit a paper to the University Executive Board you will need to download and complete the cover sheet.
This document showcases a successful Bronze application from the Department of Biology & Biochemistry.
Document showcases a successful Biology and Biochemistry Silver submission for an Athena SWAN gender equality charter.
Summary of process, requirements and steps the University is taking to prepare for the 2023 EPSRC call for CDTs.