Nursery staff were invited to the BANES presentation evening on Thursday 20th September 2018 at the Hilton Hotel, Bath to receive their awards. These awards reflect the hard work by the Nursery team over the last year. The Westwood Nursery is one of a very few early years settings (schools and nurseries) in the BANES catchment area to have gained this award over the six years it has been running.

Healthy Early Years Certificate

The Healthy Early Years Certificate is awarded to Early Years settings which meet the health priorities and needs of young children and families in Bath and North East Somerset.

Healthy Outcomes Certificate for Early Years

The Healthy Outcomes Certificate for Early Years is awarded for demonstrating how the Nursery is tackling health inequalities, closing the gap and supporting its children and families.

Chris Young, Deputy Director Safety & Wellbeing Services, Health, Safety & Environment said of the win:

“I am personally very proud of the Nursery team. These awards are a well-deserved recognition of the hard work and commitment that all members of the Nursery team bring to the Westwood Nursery and of their dedication to providing the best environment for the children in their care.

"This is something that I know the parents of the children attending Nursery appreciate and value, too, and I am sure they will all join me in both thanking and congratulating the team.”