The Hub was unveiled at a reception hosted by King Abdullah of Jordan. It's called the UK Jordan Tech Hub and has been designed to help drive economic growth through a technology and innovation partnership between the UK and Jordan.

Four regions will work in collaboration with Jordan - Bristol and Bath; London; Glasgow; and Northern Ireland. The Hub will help British start-up and small to medium sized companies to partner with the best of Jordanian innovation. It will focus on sectors where the UK and Jordan have complementary strengths, including digital, biomed, low carbon, ICT and finance.

The Bristol and Bath region has been specified as a leading development base in the UK for creativity and innovation, with particular strengths in film, animation, microelectronics and advanced engineering. It’s also at the heart of one of the largest cluster of silicon designers in the world, outside Silicon Valley.

Simon Bond said: "The goal is to create partnerships in which our companies help Jordanian innovation go global, and Jordanian innovation gives our companies a global competitive edge. Jordan has more internet start-up companies than any other country in the Middle East and has been dubbed the Middle East's Silicon Valley."