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Nominations Committee terms of reference

The terms of reference for the Nominations Committee, including its primary responsibilities and procedural rules.

Terms Of Reference

  1. To advise Council on the balance of skills of its members, including on the framework for assessing those skills.

  2. To make recommendations to Council on the appointment of new lay members of Council and the terms of existing lay members of Council, having regard to the balance of skills required by Council and to considerations of equality, diversity and inclusion.

  3. To make recommendations to Council on the appointment of the Chair of Council, the Treasurer, Senior Independent Director and Pro-Chancellors.

  4. To approve the appointment of external (co-opted) members of Council committees, having regard to the balance of skills required by those committees and to considerations of equality, diversity and inclusion, and to report its decisions to Council.

  5. To make recommendations to Council on the appointment of all other members of Council committees and, where appropriate, of Council members of joint committees of Council and Senate.

  6. To advise Council on the appropriate mechanisms for declaring, recording and reporting the interests of members of Council and its committees.

  7. To consider nominations for appointment to Court by Council.

  8. To carry out such tasks as may be delegated to it by Council, and to provide advice to Council, as appropriate.

  9. To produce a forward work-plan and conduct a biennial effectiveness review.


Total membership: A maximum of five voting members, of whom a minimum of two must be lay members

Term: A member may serve for no more than a total of nine (9) years save in exceptional cases.

Chair: Chair of Council, ex-officio

Ex-officio members: Chair of Council (Chair), and Vice-Chancellor and President

Other members: a staff member and two Lay Members of Council. Other non-voting members by appointment.

Observer: One Students' Union Student Governor

Secretary: Secretary to Council or a member of their team


In the absence of any specific rules, the procedure is as set out in the Standing Orders of Council.

Quorum: Two voting members, including at least one lay member

A record of decisions is submitted to Council

Approved by Council on 23 February 2023


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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