Via this page, you will find regular updates of policy engagement opportunities, including policy secondments and pairings, events and training and details of government consultations and calls for evidence.

To discuss any aspects of this, or for further support, please contact the IPR.

Policy secondments and fellowships

POST and IChemE fellowship

The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST), in partnership with the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE) and the Materials Processing Institute, are offering a three-month Fellowship to engineers who have recently completed a degree at undergraduate Masters level or above in a discipline related to chemical or process engineering, or have equivalent industry experience. There is one funded Fellowship available. Deadline to apply is Sunday 30 June 2024.

Upcoming events and training

CSaP Annual Conference

The CSaP Anuual Conference brings together policy professionals, academic experts and business leaders for a day of talks and presentations, and to share and discuss issues and ideas on a range of topics from innovation and economic growth, to climate and sustainability. Takes place Tuesday 18 June 2024 (9:30-18:00) at the Royal Society in London.

IMI Policy Engagement Training

The Institute for Methods Innovation is offering a training programme designed to support and equip UK researchers to translate their environmental, economic and social science research into policy insights and real-world impacts. The programme consists of a self-paced online training course and either live virtual training or in-person training sessions at different locations across the UK. The training is offered free to eligible participants. Applications are open now

Evidence requests

POST Note contributions

POSTnotes are short evidence briefings produced by the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST). POST welcomes researchers with relevant expertise to get in touch in relation to upcoming POSTnotes. If you would like to find out which research projects you can contribute to, and how to contribute, please follow the guidance on the Parliament website.

Consultations and calls for evidence

The UK Government website has a live list of open consultations and calls for evidence. While this IPR webpage will highlight notable opportunities, many others may be available on the UK Government site.

Select Committee inquiries

The UK Government website has a live list of open Select Committee enquiries. You can filter by keywords and date.

AI Select Committee Areas of Interest

The Business and Trade Committee (BTC), together with the International Affairs and National Security Hub, have published an Area of Research Interest (ARI) on international regulatory landscape for Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology.

Building policy networks

No opportunities currently advertised