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University of Bath

Using broadcasting media to enhance students' intercultural awareness and language skills

This project is exploring how broadcasting media, through the SU radio station, can help students develop their language and intercultural awareness skills

University Radio Bath (URB) showing a male student hosting a radio programme for the Spanish radio station
Developing language skills and cultural awareness through broadcasting media

Through the design and delivery of a weekly one-hour Spanish radio programme, to be broadcast on the SU Bath radio station, this project is enabling students to explore language learning and cultural awareness in a new and creative way. It will consider how broadcasting media can benefit language learning and intercultural awareness with the aim of capturing how this approach could be applied to other languages and subject areas in the future.

The project will also consider how this approach might be integrated into the curriculum to support assessment. Students will be producing materials in the target language integrating the four skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking), and applying them to the managing and running of the radio programme. This will provide them with an opportunity to stretch and develop their language skills as they will be required to consider timetables, resources and content. This will also offer an excellent opportunity for students to develop transferable skills, over and above the basics of the language they are learning in support of their future employability.

The content will be based on Hispanic issues and issues interesting to the Hispanic students here at Bath.

The project is a collaboration between the Skills Centre (foreign languages) and academic colleagues in POLIS, Dr Sandrine Alegre (French) and Dr Irene Macias (Spanish).