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South West Pharmacy Research Network Innovation Day 2023

This event included networking, panel discussions and workshops to inspire and support pharmacy professionals to get more involved in research

  • 18 Oct 2023, 10.00am to 18 Oct 2023, 4.00pm BST (GMT +01:00)
  • Albemarle Centre, Taunton, United Kingdom
  • This event is free

The South West Pharmacy Research Network's Innovation Day for 2023 was our first ever in person meeting. We arranged an exciting programme to:

  • enable delegates from different organisations to get to know each other and how they might collaborate on future projects
  • inspire delegates to get more involved in research
  • increase delegates’ research knowledge and skills


About 40 people listening to a presentation in a room with yellow walls.
The initial ‘Research Journeys’ session at the 2023 Innovation Day

The outline programme for the Innovation Day is shown below. Follow this link for a more detailed programme.

Time Session
09:30 Registration, refreshments, networking and posters
10:00 Welcome
10:05 Research journeys panel Q&A session: a discussion with pharmacy professionals at all stages of their research career
11:15 Refreshments, networking and posters
11:45 Parallel workshop 1: How to plan implementation, dissemination and publication of clinical audit, improvement and research activity, OR
11:45 Parallel workshop 2: Collaboration: how to build networks, find collaborators and build up larger projects
12:45 Lunch (provided), networking and posters
14:00 Parallel workshop 3: How research benefits individuals, organisations and workforces, OR
14:00 Parallel workshop 4: Planning a new project (Q&A)
15:00 Refreshments, networking and posters
15:30 Summary of workshops, prize presentation and next steps
16:00 End of day

Posters and prizes

We encouraged everyone attending the event to share one or more digital posters, which were displayed on 65 inch (1.65m) monitors around the venue during the day and can be downloaded from this webpage.

Posters could be on anything related to research, audit, service evaluation or quality improvement - there were no specific requirements.


There were four poster prizes:

  • best poster from an early career researcher (lead author does not have a PhD): 1st place - Mandy Slatter (Royal United Hospital Bath); 2nd place - Rebecca Pennie (Royal United Hospital Bath)
  • best poster from a more experienced researcher (lead author has a PhD): 1st place - Vincent Cheng (University of Bristol); 2nd place - Rebecca Wilson (University of Bristol)
  • most visually attractive poster: 1st place - Vicky Webb (University Hospitals Plymouth); 2nd place - Sarah Jones (University of Bath)
  • delegates' choice: Rebecca Wilson (University of Bristol)

Financial support

The South West Pharmacy Research Network are very grateful to the following funders, without whom this event would not have been possible.


This event was held at the Albemarle Centre in Taunton in rooms with step-free access & a Changing Places toilet. This is 5 minutes walk from Taunton railway station. Public car parks (eg Kilkenny & Belvedere Road car parks) are within 10 minutes walk.

Albemarle Centre Albemarle Road Taunton TA1 1BA United Kingdom

Contact us

If you have any questions, please get in touch.