The quieter Easter period is a great time to complete your Staff Survey. It takes around 20 minutes and for every survey that’s completed the University will give £1 to charity.

So far 1,250 of you have taken part – that’s 46% of all staff and is a fantastic start, so we’ve already donated £1,250 but that still leaves around £1,500 that we could raise for charity.

If you don’t have regular access to a PC, or would like to do it somewhere quiet, you can use the public computers available on every floor of the Library - all you need is your library card to access the building.

If you are concerned about answering freely, please don’t be - it’s completely anonymous and is undertaken with the support of external consultants Capita in accordance with the Data Protection Act. Your reply will never be linked to you as an individual. At no time will the University be able, or indeed try, to access individual responses.

You will have received an email from Capita with the link you need to complete your survey or a postal pack survey with a reply paid envelope. The email will be from If you don’t have it or a postal pack survey, please talk to your line manager.

For further information about the survey please ask your line manager, visit the website at or call 0800 587 3115.