Work will start next week (Monday 4 March) on development of the Arrivals Square at the east end of campus.

The aim is to ensure that the University maximises the opportunity for sustainable transport by improving access for both buses and pedestrians, adding additional stops and supporting passengers with disabilities.

As part of the development, trees to the south of the Square will need to be removed. These will be replaced with 120-130 native trees, 1,700m² of mixed native shrubs and 690m of native mixed and single species hedges in locations on and off campus.

An ecological consultant is also developing a campus-wide tree management plan to provide long term management and development of our campus green infrastructure.

During the works, footpaths will remain open when possible. If temporary closures are required these will be coordinated by the site team with clear signage.

The main works will begin in early June. The main bus terminal will remain open until the Open Days on 21 and 22 June after which the area will close for 10 weeks. The bus stop outside Sports Training Village will be used during this period and signage will be provided together with further details on the homepage of where buses will drop off and pick up.