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Research and knowledge Exchange Committee terms of reference

The terms of reference for the Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee, including its primary responsibilities and procedural rules.

Terms Of Reference

Terms of reference


To provide assurance to Senate on the quality and standards of research and knowledge exchange activities at the University, in line with external and internal frameworks and compliance requirements.


1) To provide assurances to Senate regarding the University's compliance with the relevant research and knowledge exchange frameworks, concordats and professional memberships.
2) To formulate and agree new policies and initiatives for research and knowledge exchange activities.
3) To seek assurance that institutional risks associated with our research and knowledge exchange related activities are being identified and appropriately managed, escalating to the Audit and Risk Assurance Committee where appropriate.
4) To provide assurance to Senate of the quality of our research and knowledge exchange and our progress towards meeting the KPIs through suitable institutional data, including but not limited to:
a) research income from grants and contracts
b) research impact and % of high cited papers
c) research partnerships
d) completion rate for Doctoral students
e) KE activities including commercial agreements, consultancy and co-authorship with non-academic partners
5) To provide advice to Senate and the Research Advisory Board on the implications for research and knowledge exchange of any research/knowledge exchange-related strategies and policies under development.
6) To submit an annual report to Senate enabling it to provide appropriate assurance to Council on matters pertaining to research and knowledge exchange at the University.


A member may serve for no more than a total of nine (9) years save in exceptional cases.

Total Membership: 15 voting members
Ex-officio roles: Associate Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research), Vice-President (Enterprise), Faculty Associate Deans (Research), Director of Research and Innovation Services, Deputy Director of Research and Innovation Services, Head of Research Governance and Compliance, University Librarian
Appointments: a representative from each faculty/school with significant research and/or knowledge exchange expertise, appointed by Senate for up to three years
Chair: Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research)
Secretary: a member of the Governance Office
In attendance: Co-Chair of Research Staff Working Group, Head of Knowledge Exchange, Head of Public Engagement, Head of Research Development, and Data Protection Officer
Special rules: none

Procedural rules

In the absence of any specific rules, the procedure is as set out in the Standing Orders of Senate
Quorum: One-third of membership, five voting members
Frequency of meetings: Quarterly, or as determined by cycle of business
Minutes: Submitted to members and decisions are reported to Senate

Version information

Owner: Research and Knowledge Exchange Committee
Version number: 4
Approval Date: 16 November 2016, 18 November 2020, 3 February 2021 and 13 September 2023
Approved By: Senate
Date of last review: 13 September 2023


If you have any questions, please contact us.

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