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University of Bath

Hayley Shaw Research Culture Manager

Providing leadership to develop and embed a positive and inclusive research culture at the University of Bath.


Hayley is responsible for taking forward work to strengthen the University’s research culture in support of the University strategy. She works closely with the PVC (Research and Enterprise) and the Associate PVC (Research) who are responsible for the strategic oversight of the projects and activities to enhance research culture at the University of Bath.

Her responsibilities include:

  • advising all levels of the University on research culture including the Senior Executive Team as a subject matter expert
  • driving forward the research culture strategy and action plan to support the development of a positive and inclusive research culture
  • taking responsibility for the University’s Research Culture Steering Group and delivering projects commissioned by the Group
  • managing the University’s annual Enhancing Research Culture Fund from Research England
  • responsible evaluation of research culture at the University, and establishing reporting mechanisms to share and review progress