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University of Bath leads campaign to help disadvantaged……

University of Bath leads campaign to help disadvantaged school students overcome ‘Digital Divide’. ... Andrew Ross explains the Digital Divide Project. Chris Melvin 01225383941.

Programme & Unit Catalogues - University of Bath

Description:. Aims:. To provide participants with a comprehensive overview of modern brand communications theory and practice. ... Areas covered include: Strategic communications planning and execution; Digital and Mobile Communications; Promotional,

PowerPoint Presentation…

You’re invited to promote and share this material on your own social media channels and digital communications activity. ... Sharing a link to the timetable. Sharing this graphic on your social media and digital channels.

Programme & Unit Catalogues - University of Bath

Phase lock loops. Radio transmitter and receiver architecture. Functional elements of a digital communications system. ... Spectrum shaping and intersymbolic interference. Digital signal formats, spectral properties, clock encoding and recovery.

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