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Request a blog

From Digital Development. Request a blog. University staff and students can use the blog to showcase their experience or work.

Request Typecase training

From Digital Development. Request Typecase training. Submit a request for you or your colleagues to have training on our content publisher.

Binding price list

Digital content.

Request a redirect for a web page

From Digital Development. Request a redirect for a web page. Submit a request to the Digital team for a short URL or a redirect to a web page.

Business card price list…

Business card price list. Prices for digital and litho printed business cards. ... Price List. Digital business cards. Printed. 100 cards. 150 cards. 250 cards.

GitHub Enterprise Version Control System…

From Digital, Data and Technology. ... Use it to coordinate development of, and track changes to, code made by multiple University users.

Brian Schofield: oration

Digital content. ... However, his real achievement was the development of his staff and changing the culture of Security to ensure it became a ‘service’ to the University community, with greater emphasis on welfare.

Thumbnail for Brian Schofield: oration

Levels of Typecase user access…

Digital content and development.. ... All Admins are members of the Digital Content and Development teams who look after and develop the Typecase platform.