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Copyright. How our copyright applies to the University of Bath website and when you can legally use our material. ... Using our trademarks. Our logo is our registered trademark and should not be used without permission.

Accessibility improvements to iTrent…

As a result, Bath has launched a Digital Accessibility Initiative to improve access to our digital resources. ... If you are experiencing any issues accessing any of our webpages, mobile applications or digital resources you can.

Bath Unlimited goes live

For example, we’re working closely with partners to create a business innovation hub in the city centre, combining top quality creative and digital skills training alongside our world-leading SETSquared ... Another example would be our motion capture


We are not liable for this website being unavailable due to technical reasons beyond our control. ... Course information. We make every attempt to make sure that our digital prospectus is accurate and our online course pages include the most up-to-date

Acceptable use of blogs

Unsuitable content for our blogs. University blogs should not be used to publish the following:. ... Templates are available for each of these content types in our publishing platform, Typecase (Content Publisher).

Changes to IT and AV support

Why DDaT's services are changing. Digital technologies are rapidly evolving, presenting exciting opportunities to enhance our teaching and research environments. ... DDaT's support commitment. As we rebalance our services, DDaT staff remain committed to

Updates to the IT Acceptable Use Policy…

Updates to the IT Acceptable Use Policy. We’ve updated our IT Acceptable Use Policy. ... View more announcements in Digital, Data and Technology.

University of Bath Privacy Notice…

We will be happy to supply a list of our subscription resources on request. ... We undertake data analysis projects to ensure that our communications are tailored and engaging.

Be Well app

The app will complement our existing Be Well initiatives such as Talk Now to give students practical wellbeing tools at their fingertips. ... Having a digital wellbeing platform will help students proactively manage their wellbeing in an engaging and

Centre for Smart Warehousing and Logistics Systems……

E-commerce logistics. We investigate how the digital economy has created new challenges for logistics operations, along with systems that satisfy these requirements. ... Our approach. The overarching research question associated with the Centre considers