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Copyright. How our copyright applies to the University of Bath website and when you can legally use our material. ... Using our trademarks. Our logo is our registered trademark and should not be used without permission.

Be Mindful QR code

Be Mindful QR code. Distribute this QR code amongst your colleagues to help them enrol on our digital Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) course.


We are not liable for this website being unavailable due to technical reasons beyond our control. ... Course information. We make every attempt to make sure that our digital prospectus is accurate and our online course pages include the most up-to-date

Request a URL

Our guide to URLs on the University website explains when you can use a website address. ... Submit this form to for approval by the Head of Digital.

Acceptable use of blogs

Unsuitable content for our blogs. University blogs should not be used to publish the following:. ... Templates are available for each of these content types in our publishing platform, Typecase (Content Publisher).

Typecase product strategy and background…

From Digital Development. Typecase product strategy and background. A slide deck explaining our content management system (previously called Content Publisher), how it works and how we are developing it. ... View more publications in Digital Development.

Accessibility test reports for the University of Bath……

From Digital Content. Accessibility test reports for the University of Bath website ... The issues identified in the Government Digital Service report were resolved in August 2022.

Centre for Smart Warehousing and Logistics Systems……

E-commerce logistics. We investigate how the digital economy has created new challenges for logistics operations, along with systems that satisfy these requirements. ... Our approach. The overarching research question associated with the Centre considers

University of Bath Privacy Notice…

We will be happy to supply a list of our subscription resources on request. ... We undertake data analysis projects to ensure that our communications are tailored and engaging.

Interim Digital Accessibility Policy for Education and……

2) Accessibility Regulation 2018 states that our websites and applications must be accessible. ... DDaT oversee the accessibility of our digital estate. This will include monitoring and reporting on websites with the domain and monitoring and