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Preparing for exams

Prepare effectively for exams so you can perform your best on the day. ... Good luck with your exams! Enquiries. If you have any questions about exam preparation, please contact the Digital & Academic Skills team in the Skills Centre.

Thumbnail for Preparing for exams

Request personal information

To ensure that your request is processed quickly, please:. download our subject access request form. ... If you have all your information in digital format, email it to

Editorial style guide: E

Digital content and development.. ... Use the style guide to help make your content clear, accessible, and consistent with the rest of the website.

MindGenius - Create a mind map

It has built-in project management capabilities that can help you visualise your plans and achieve set goals. ... The MindGenius resources include:. Creating a MindGenius map. Add and edit branches on your mind map.

Editorial style guide: B

Use the style guide to help make your content clear, accessible, and consistent with the rest of the website. ... Full sentences or paragraphs in bold affect the readability of your content and make it harder for people to consume information on a web

Communicating your messages to colleagues across the……

Displaying your message on digital signage. With over 100 screens displaying regularly updated slides and videos across the University, the OneLan digital signage system is an effective way to reinforce your ... Submit your slide to be displayed on our

Skills support for Semester 1

Technology continues to advance at a phenomenal rate and having a strong digital skillset to navigate through a constantly changing digital environment will be crucial for your future employment. ... We've compiled lots of resources on MySkills to help

Thumbnail for Skills support for Semester 1

Careers information for Bath graduates

If you've not yet graduated (or recently graduated and still have your Digital, Data & Technology (DD&T) account), continue to log in as a current student using your normal ... what's involved in your job. what it's like working for your employer.

Welcome checklist

set up your IT including email, antivirus, purchase IT equipment and assistive technology. ... walk your timetable to find out where your teaching rooms and lectures are.

Editorial style guide: U

Use the style guide to help make your content clear, accessible, and consistent with the rest of the website. ... When writing about someone's University email address, describe it as 'your University email, like'.