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Academic Skills

Blog: Digital clutter can have a negative impact on our productivity and wellbeing. ... Here are some tips to help you stay in control of your digital spaces.

Request a blog

From Digital Development. Request a blog. University staff and students can use the blog to showcase their experience or work. ... your blog title. the summary - a single line describing the purpose of the blog.

Information Security Policy

Menu. Information Security Policy. Find out your responsibilities for ensuring the security of information at the University. ... Don’t copy confidential University information without permission. Do password protect and encrypt your personally owned

Uploading video for use on the website

You should use between five and ten tags. If you ask the Digital or AV teams to upload your videos, please send your tags in a comma-separated list to make ... If you only want a select group of people to see your video when it's embedded on our site,

Information management

University procedure for reporting a data protection breach. IT security. Guidance from Digital, Data & Technology (DD&T) on your individual responsibilities for protecting information and advice on how to keep your ... Find out your responsibilities for

DDaT Service Changes

Menu. DDaT Service Changes. Your digital, data and technology services are changing. ... We welcome your feedback on our services - and suggestions for new digital and technology services that will support your teaching and research excellence.

Faculty of Engineering & Design

How your company can employ our multi-skilled undergraduate and postgraduate engineering students for professional placements. ... If you are a teacher looking to encourage your students to think about engineering study, then we have events, activities

Wi-Fi security certificates for eduroam…

Factsheet. These are the details you should look for when you are asked to accept a certificate for your eduroam Wi-Fi connection:. ... You must ensure you validate/verify/accept the server certificate on your device.

Register your interest in our Postgraduate Virtual Open……

Open menu. Open search. Register your interest in our Postgraduate Virtual Open Days. ... Complete the form to register your interest in our Postgraduate Virtual Open Days.