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Results 41 to 50 of 105 for 'chi2 news'. 0 results match all words and 105 results match some words.

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Death of Professor Ronald G. Board…

He then transferred to the new University of Bath in 1966 when there was just one building on campus, now called 4S.

Waste seashells can solve waste water problem…

The thousands of tonnes of waste seashells created by the edible seafood sector could be put to use in a new waste water cleaning project. ... At Bath we are building a large portfolio of water-related research, having recently announced a new

Employability focus for MSc in Building Design…

The award is one of 20 made through a new HEFCE (Higher Education Funding Council for England) Postgraduate Support Scheme, a £25 million publicly-funded programme. ... The new scheme was announced today by David Willetts MP, the Universities and

Prof Tess Ridge receives national award…

She is currently working closely with The Children's Society to develop a new and innovative longitudinal study of childhood poverty that will explore the experience of contemporary low-income childhoods

POLIS student helps launch local Cube Movement…

Each time it lands in the hands of someone new they log its location on the website and the cube’s journey is tracked online.

Will Hutton and Iain Stewart at launch of IPR…

Other speakers will include three of the Bath academics involved in the development of the new Institute. ... Professor Room said: "The new Institute brings together many of the University's research strengths.

Water droplets make for an aMazing film…

and the public because we felt that the behaviour of the water droplets had some unique aesthetic qualities that might help engage new audiences.

Study proposes improvements to 'peer review'……

The effectiveness of ‘peer review’ is investigated in new findings published in Nature. ... The effectiveness of ‘peer review’ — the system whereby scientists critique each other’s research to determine whether or not it should be published

Healing Foundation Centre for children’s burns research…

Research from our University will be playing an important role in helping prevent and treat children’s burns, through a new centre launched at Frenchay Hospital. ... Research from our University will soon be playing an important role in helping prevent

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