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Results 1 to 10 of 67 for 'chi2 news'. 5 results match all words and 62 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

New approach to public procurement helps NHS save money…

New framework sparks immediate savings. The team recognised that there was little understanding of how effectively to leverage network resources in highly regulated, complex public sector systems. ... helped the NHS to produce a new strategy relating to

Meet the student tackling mental health through football…

I was interviewed on the BBC national news and Daily Bread made a documentary about our story. ... They were fans of our work and were working with The FA and Heads Together to launch a new mental health initiative.

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Lean and Agile Research Group: exploring more efficient……

Their aim was to help organisations to respond to new demands, provide a better service for their customers and reduce waste. ... development of an environmentally friendly manufacturing approach. improved profitability through the reduction of 'inventory

Thumbnail for Lean and Agile Research Group: exploring more efficient working methods

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Why public engagement matters

Why public engagement matters to you and your research. Public engagement can provide fresh perspectives on your work, increase your profile, develop your skills and foster new research collaborations.

Global climate change week 2019

Through the role you will meet new people and develop skills in campaigning, communication, event planning, team work, and marketing.

New perspectives

Menu. New perspectives. You help us bring the brightest minds to Bath, who see things differently and make an impact globally. ... Ranran Zhao is researching new, low cost ways to clean the water supply in China.

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