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Choosing your engineering discipline…

Watch our introductory subject videos to find out what careers and study in civil, mechanical, electronic and chemical engineering involves.

Digital Necromancy: Users' Perceptions of Digital…

Digital Necromancy: Users' Perceptions of Digital Afterlife. Watch an insightful presentation by CDAS Visiting Fellow Tal Morse discussing Users’ perceptions of digital afterlife and posthumous communication technologies. ... Digital Necromancy: Users'

Use our electron microscopy service

digital Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM) system fully integrated into the TEM, and BF & HAADF detectors. ... integrated JEOL 5 megapixel Ruby digital camera system. Typical samples are less than 50 nanometres thick, nanotubes,

Skills for life. Made in Bath.

Using many digital platforms and tools for learning at university means she’s open to new technology and ways of working. ... Bullet points appear on screen:] Communication, time management, digital, critical thinking, problem-solving, teamworking,

Support and Training

Get the support you need. We’re here to help you.

Transition: What our students say

Part of the Transition Toolkit - Hear from Bath students and get their tips on transitioning to university and making the most of your time at Bath

Transition: Preparing to study at Bath…

Digital skills are the skills you need to study and work in our fast-evolving digital world. ... A strong digital skillset, and confidence in your own capabilities to navigate a constantly changing digital environment, will be valuable when studying at

Women in Engineering

Nia's digital cane uses ultrasonic waves to identify obstacles and communicates these to a visually impaired user through vibrations.