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Your digital skills and capabilities…

Digital communication, collaboration and participation. Digital learning and development. Digital identity and wellbeing. ... 68%. 68% of businesses find it challenging to hire the digital workers they need.

Research with Impact

Discover more about our research into:. Digital. Our research is leading to positive digital futures. ... We are seeking to understand the effects of our digital world on people, as well as creating innovative technologies.

Accelerating impact

stability. Protein Biochemist, Dr Chris Pudney utilised an award from the University’s EPSRC IAA Open Call to further the development of a revolutionary digital tool that will make it cheaper,

Women in Engineering

Nia's digital cane uses ultrasonic waves to identify obstacles and communicates these to a visually impaired user through vibrations.

The IPR Policy Fellowship Programme

Isabelle De Pauw Head of Data Rights, Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport.

Pathway to Bath Programme

The University of Bath is leading the Digital Divide project, addressing the challenge of not only providing content that gives young people the best chance of success, but also ensuring they

Enterprise: For students

We can help you achieve your entrepreneurial ambitions and support you on an enterprising journey.

How DETI is digitally transforming engineering…

We have extensive capabilities in digital engineering at the University of Bath to help deliver the DETI programme. ... Develop a skills programme to make sure the current and future workforce is digital-ready.

MSc courses in the School of Management…

The area has strong and established sectors in advanced engineering, high technology, creative/digital media and low carbon.

Health, Community and Place

Professor Julie Barnett, Healthy Later Living Network Lead, Department of Psychology: Loneliness and the ways in which digital technologies can help build social connections.