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Results 31 to 40 of 621 for 'chi2 news'. 41 results match all words and 580 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Meet the student tackling mental health through football…

I was interviewed on the BBC national news and Daily Bread made a documentary about our story. ... They were fans of our work and were working with The FA and Heads Together to launch a new mental health initiative.

Thumbnail for Meet the student tackling mental health through football

Empathy in organisations: how considerate managers……

This is a new chapter in human development, relating to changes brought about by new technology. ... He and his colleagues research how work changes in response to new technologies, practices and people.

Thumbnail for Empathy in organisations: how considerate managers improve employee performance

Lean and Agile Research Group: exploring more efficient……

Their aim was to help organisations to respond to new demands, provide a better service for their customers and reduce waste. ... development of an environmentally friendly manufacturing approach. improved profitability through the reduction of 'inventory

Thumbnail for Lean and Agile Research Group: exploring more efficient working methods

Bringing interests, passion and expertise together: why I ……

Frontline’ to research. I’m interested in online propaganda, ‘fake news’ and negative views about minorities online. ... I’m interested in online propaganda, ‘fake news’ and negative views about minorities online.

Thumbnail for Bringing interests, passion and expertise together: why I chose IDO for my PhD

Analysing the impact of quantitative easing on the UK……

How quantitative easing can boost growth. Quantitative easing inflates the financial system by creating new money. ... Specifically, it looked at how these institutions chose to invest this ‘new’ money.

Thumbnail for Analysing the impact of quantitative easing on the UK economy after the financial crisis

A rewarding idea: how Bath's entrepreneurial spirit……

As well as praising the New Product Development unit, James says the degree taught him other valuable lessons: 'The soft skills [I] learned during my studies were probably as valuable as ... The prize was incredible, visiting alumni in Boston, New York

Thumbnail for A rewarding idea: how Bath's entrepreneurial spirit helped me launch my business