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Results 21 to 30 of 100 for 'chi2 news'. 9 results match all words and 91 results match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Statistics research

In addition to core statistical research, members of the group undertake collaborative work where this has a substantial innovative component, and we are always interested in establishing new industrial partnerships and

Art of the Brain

He adapted the exhibition for the Fringe Arts Bath Festival, engaging a new audience in his work and secured space to present on the project (alongside Dr Sarah Bailey) at the

Taster talk: Energy harvesting

the main four types of energy harvesting technologies. how we can create new piezoelectric materials to convert mechanical energy into electrical energy.

Syrian researcher opening doors to a new life through……

Architects and engineers previously planned and modelled in isolation. Now new technologies bring everything together in one, intelligent model. ... Ammar’s research focuses on modern technologies for new building designs and how they can help

Thumbnail for Syrian researcher opening doors to a new life through Architecture PhD

Lois Player and policy engagement…

I have also developed a new methodology to help national and local Governments analyse free-text data. ... Traditionally, governments will collect consultation data about a new policy and analyse it by hand, using a Thematic Analysis.

Thumbnail for Lois Player and policy engagement

New innovative way to store renewable energy…

New innovative way to store hydrogen. Currently, there are two main methodologies to store hydrogen in small lightweight containers:. ... Understanding how hydrogen behaves in these porous materials will help to develop new effective ways to store it.

Making amputees 'feel' again

Seeing the joy the new limb brought to its owner inspired her to become an engineer.

Thumbnail for Making amputees 'feel' again

Participating in a real-life project…

MSc in Operations, Logistics and Supply Chain Management student Songbin Lyu on why he chose this unique degree, a typical week and why Bath is a great city.

Thumbnail for Participating in a real-life project

Bringing youth voices to COP26

IPR Head of Policy Programmes and Communications, Amy Thompson, shares her experience of producing ActNowFilm and amplifying youth voices at COP26.