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Results 21 to 30 of 164 for 'chi2 news'. 2 results match all words and 162 results match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Introduction to financial regulations…

Similarly, if Departments are undertaking a new activity which it is felt is not adequately covered within the Regulations, please contact the F&PO at an early stage so that advise,

Research facilities user agreement…

Training and Operational Access for Bookable and Open Access Instruments. Research facilities staff undertake to provide appropriate training for all new users, and provide more advanced training as appropriate to support

Skilled Worker visa

a ‘new entrant' to the UK’s labour market).

Data Protection Act

However, if you are processing any data (for example, maintaining a database or running a research project involving the use of personal data) and think it may involve us handling new ... personal data for the first time or using personal data for a new

Prevent Policy

it should not create large new burdens on institutions. ... Social media services such as Facebook, Twitter and Reddit provide new avenues for the distribution and accessing of extremist material, and the University takes the challenges presented by

Code of ethics

There is a new Research Ethics Governance process developed by the PVC (R)’s office and Chair of AE&IC which will introduce a more unified approach to research ethics for

Health and Safety policy

Due to changes in senior leadership structures and role holders, UHSC agreed that the existing policy should be amended to reflect current structures and reviewed in December 2024 when new posts