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Results 1 to 10 of 120 for 'chi2 news'. 4 results match all words and 116 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

School of Management research

Our leading research contributes to a better world. It improves people's lives, supports communities and strengthens our economy.

Register for MSc in Strategic Retailing updates…

Register for MSc in Strategic Retailing updates. Get updates about our new MSc in Strategic Retailing and details of events like virtual open days, webinars and live chats. ... We’re launching a new master’s course starting in 2023. Register for

Working with the School of Management

Working with the School of Management. We’re always looking for new ways to collaborate.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Pharmacy courses

Develop your research skills by completing a research project in the department or with a partner organisation in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, or the USA.


Directory. Find contact details, locations, news, events and other information about our departments.


Commentary and analysis. Insights from our researchers about news and current events. ... Join our study that looks at how short periods of carbohydrate restriction impact health, and whether a new mobile health app can help with lifestyle adherence.

Biosciences courses

go on a placement in the UK or abroad, to gain experience, make new contacts and try out a possible career path.

Submit feedback about the new homepage

Submit feedback about the new homepage. Let us know what you like about our new homepage or provide feedback about how we can make improvements. ... We hope you like our new homepage design. Please tell us what you think works well or let us know about

Computer science courses

You’ll develop a sound knowledge base and a wide range of skills valuable to a career in the field, including learning to analyse, integrate and apply new ideas and techniques