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Results 1 to 10 of 249 for 'chi2 news'. 5 results match all words and 244 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Account Director & Senior Teaching Fellow…

Mike is an Account Director within the Corporate Engagement Team and supports the Director of Corporate engagement in developing new ways for organisations to build sustainable partnerships with the University.

Research Associate…

Svetoslav Covachev Research Associate. Svetoslav researches mutual fund performance, investments, cybersecurity and adoption of new technology.

School of Management Advisory Board Member…

Sarah is also a Trustee of the John Lewis Foundation. BA, Politics, Philosophy and Economics, New College, Oxford.

School of Management Advisory Board Member…

a Trustee of New Philanthropy Capital. Marcelle also holds an honorary Doctorate of Civil Law from the University of East Anglia.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Research Professional

Search for funding opportunities for your research and the latest research funding news.

Statistics Advisory Service (SAS)

Please read through the Getting statistics advice for project work guide for an explanation of the new system.

Request a blog

University staff and students can use the blog to showcase their experience or work. If you would like a blog you must request one.

Careers Consultant

I enjoy supporting students and graduates from A to B, whatever that means to them; exploring a new career pathway, finding work experience or igniting a curiosity where networking can lead


Chusu researches financial infrastructures, payment and settlement, project finance and risk management.