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Results 1 to 10 of 20 for 'chi2 news'. 1 results match all words and 19 results match some words.

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Results that match 1 of 2 words

Building the Milner Centre for Evolution…

£7 million. Complete. 1 Jul 2015 to 21 Sep 2018. The new building was opened in September 2018. ... The planning and construction of this new building took place alongside ongoing research by the Milner Centre intellectual group.

Thumbnail for Building the Milner Centre for Evolution

Quantum optics

We study and control the most fundamental properties of light.

Thumbnail for Quantum optics

Bath Global Chairs

News, Blog and Events. ... Hosted by the Department of Social & Policy Sciences, Professor Bebbington is new Director of Natural Resources and Climate Change at the Ford Foundation.

Faculty of Science research

New research from the Milner Centre for Evolution shows how flowering plants survived one of the biggest mass extinction events in history.

Open City: London after Brexit

However, compared with cities like New York, Paris and Tokyo, London has very little power over tax and revenue collection or service delivery.

Student Support advice for staff

You can use these resources to help you support students and enable them to succeed and develop resilience. Contact us on 01225 384321 or extension 4321.

About the DReaM Facility

The Facility was established in 2016 with an EPSRC strategic equipment grant, to monitor homogeneous chemical reactions in real-time.

Thumbnail for About the DReaM Facility

Contextualising NUMBAS resources within Economics…

Facilitated by NUMBAS, a free and open-source online mathematics assessment system, the new assessment framework/protocol will specifically promote active learning, by providing detailed and instantaneous feedback to the students.