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Results 51 to 60 of 166 for 'chi2 news'. 3 results match all words and 163 results match some words.

Results that match 1 of 2 words

Made Smarter Innovation: Centre for People-Led……

What is novel about our research? Digital technologies have the potential to transform manufacturing by increasing productivity and opening up new business opportunities. ... However, many industry and academic activities have a single focus such as new

Digital Accessibility Initiative

Milestones. Publish a webpage explaining the project, including supporting documentation. Launch targeted communications to explain the new legislation and what it means for individuals. ... Implement service standards and assessments to make sure that

sigma Network project

MASH continues to be actively involved in the leadership of the new professional association.

Couples balancing work, money and care: exploring the……

This involved:. Collecting new, qualitative longitudinal data on work/care decisions; intra-household financial management and distribution; and gender roles and relations in couple families with dependent children.

Dynamic Coastal Protection: Resilience of Dynamic……

In many areas, new coastal protection will be required to maintain the current coastal land area and in areas that are already defended, existing defences will become obsolete.

Health and clinical research

Find out more about our interdisciplinary seminar series and other news.. ... The group, led by Professor Neil McHugh, are part of a new £5.1 million consortium of universities and industrial partners in a project aimed at improving treatment of lupus.

Typecase publishing platform (content publisher)…

we don't have to wait for a supplier to develop new features or fix bugs. ... Enhancing collaboration. Optimising the user experience. Improving integration. Prioritising development. New business requirements and user feedback are weighted based on the

Staff and students' landing pages

From Digital Content. Staff and students' landing pages. A project to design and build new versions of the staff and students' landing pages, involving user research to discover how staff and ... Some participants had a lot of experience using their

Theoretical and computational physics…

By meeting together in this way, we are able to share new methods and identify novel problems for future study.

Thumbnail for Theoretical and computational physics