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Results 1 to 10 of 582 for 'chi2 news'. 0 results match all words and 582 results match some words.

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Funding boost to develop new green energy materials…

Council (EPSRC) to work on new sustainable materials for energy storage and conversion. ... Such fresh insights could unlock the door to new families of compounds with a step change in efficiency and performance.

Programme & Unit Catalogues - University of Bath

Description:. Aims:. To introduce students to social and political theories of the emergence and significance of new social movements (NSMs), such as anti-globalisation, environmentalism, feminism, and social forums;. ... Similarities and differences

New light-activated suncream will cut skin cancer…

damage. In the UK, over 100,000 new cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year, of which 10,000 are malignant melanoma – the deadliest form of the disease and also ... Hermione Lawson, from the British Skin Foundation, commented: "We are very excited

Bath in new consortium to offer Doctoral training in……

From University of Bath. Bath in new consortium to offer Doctoral training in water research. ... academic partners to ensure rapid and effective transfer of new research knowledge into practice.

Alzheimer's Research UK funds new dementia study

  • 25 Sep 2013

Dr Giordano Pula from our university has just been awarded £29,000 by Alzheimer’s Research UK to study vascular complications of Alzheimer’s disease.

  • University of Bath
  • Press release

New generation laser will herald technology breakthrough…

The bosonic terahertz laser will work in tandem with a conventional light emitting diode (LED), which is a completely new approach. ... This will enable the miniaturisation of new optochips which, in turn, will help develop a whole new class of novel

Programme & Unit Catalogues - University of Bath

Description:. Aims:. To examine how new technologies (e.g. products, services, software, systems, etc.) can be effectively commercialised. ... a critical awareness of current issues and frameworks in commercialisation of new technologies (T/F/A).

New flu drug could avoid antiviral resistance…

A new type of drug against the newest strains of flu virus has been developed by an international team of scientists working in the UK, Canada and Australia. ... This new class of drug is based on the natural mechanism of the enzyme and so the virus

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