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Research with Impact

Discover more about our research into:. Digital. Our research is leading to positive digital futures. ... We are seeking to understand the effects of our digital world on people, as well as creating innovative technologies.

Exams and assessments

Information about exams and assessments, the exam schedule, where to find support and further guidance, and what to do if circumstances affect your assessment.

Sociotechnical Futures and Digital Methods MRes full-time ……

Menu. Sociotechnical Futures and Digital Methods MRes. 1 year full-time, starting in September 2024. ... Upon completion of this course, you’ll be well suited to specialist roles within the adoption and use of digital technologies.

Staff Wellbeing Champion Network

Department of Health Academic Programme and Digital Learning Lead. Staff Wellbeing Champion.

Women in Engineering

Nia's digital cane uses ultrasonic waves to identify obstacles and communicates these to a visually impaired user through vibrations.

Course & Unit Catalogues 2024/25 - University of Bath …

Digital audio and signal processing. 6 Credits. Optional Units: Select 2 units from the following list:. ... Compulsory Units:. Unit Code. Title. Digital image processing. 6 Credits.