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Results 11 to 20 of 592 for 'chi2 news'. 41 results match all words and 551 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Helping organisations prepare for the unexpected…

This is a relatively new discipline that looks at how the people within an organisation interpret its structures, and the impact this has on how it operates.

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Advocating for the public good in higher education…

Rajani explains that working at this new institution showed her the potential power of universities. ... The skill of critique is so important right now as we face fake news and misinformation and the polarisation of society.

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Working in New York to studying in Bath…

Coming from a place like New York, it’s fair to say that they are complete opposites. ... I was looking for the opportunity to immerse myself in a new culture where I could learn from a diverse group of students, inside and outside the classroom.

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Securing a job at Deloitte

I wanted a course that would let me learn new skills and knowledge in a practical and collaborative environment.

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Improving healthcare in the South West…

CHI2 research has helped healthcare workers manage capacity during the Covid-19 pandemic. ... A MOOC is a free online course to help people learn new skills in an accessible way.

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Management meets Robin Hemingway

After graduating from the School of Management, I was accepted onto a postgraduate placement in New York.

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Management meets Jessi Frey

Because of this, so many new groups were forming, and I decided to audition for some. ... The lifestyle had been full-on and I wanted something different. So, I moved back to England, got a job, and looked for a new challenge.

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Management meets Ao (Maggie) Lu

In practical sessions, our professor would always ask us ‘Would you want your decision to come out as headlines in the New York or Financial Times?’.

Thumbnail for Management meets Ao (Maggie) Lu