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Results 21 to 30 of 593 for 'chi2 news'. 41 results match all words and 552 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Improving healthcare in the South West…

CHI2 research has helped healthcare workers manage capacity during the Covid-19 pandemic. ... A MOOC is a free online course to help people learn new skills in an accessible way.

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Demystifying digital data

Bad science. Data Science is a relatively new field, and digital technology is always evolving. ... We’re making new discoveries and uncovering new uses for digital data all the time, but as Lukasz puts it ’we’re just scratching the surface’.

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The research transforming business design…

It gave potential entrepreneurs and new businesses advice on things like business model design and upskilling workers. ... This tool aims to enable new styles of thinking, managing, and leading to navigate the entrepreneurial journey towards innovation.

Thumbnail for The research transforming business design

Early warning radar system of financial meltdowns…

A new way to manage risk. Simone’s research has already informed policy changes in central banks and regulatory institutions across the world.

Thumbnail for Early warning radar system of financial meltdowns

How a top-ranked marketing MSc prepared me for a job in……

Nearly everything differed from my home country's academics and lifestyle. Having dreamed of studying abroad since high school, I was eager but cautious in this new environment.

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How to scrutinise public spending…

Centre of expertise. Backed by an influential group of stakeholders, Margaret’s research aims to generate a number of recommendations which will inform how the new legislation around public audit will ... Margaret is hoping to use the new research

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Gone phishing: the research protecting us from……

Reply fast or miss out! Adam spent several years analysing the existing research on cybersecurity to develop a new model of susceptibility to online scams. ... Co-developed with cybersecurity company CybSafe, this new platform is designed to test

Thumbnail for Gone phishing: the research protecting us from cyberattacks

Producing build-to-order cars in five days…

Their study of 'intelligent logistics' and supply chain configurations led to recommendations for building new production systems that are helping to address significant industry problems:. ... development of an environmentally friendly manufacturing