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Results 11 to 20 of 2,325 for 'chi2 news'. 22 results match all words and 2,303 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Researching hard-to-reach populations: a study of US Navy ……

This study addresses this gap using a multiphase, multimethod investigation of US Navy SEALs, identifying new links between individual mindfulness attributes (comfort with uncertainty and chaos) and collective mindfulness influences (a ... By providing a

Meet the student tackling mental health through football…

I was interviewed on the BBC national news and Daily Bread made a documentary about our story. ... They were fans of our work and were working with The FA and Heads Together to launch a new mental health initiative.

Thumbnail for Meet the student tackling mental health through football

The attractiveness of university and corporate anchor……

The attractiveness of university and corporate anchor tenants in the conception of a new cluster. ... This talk focuses on a proposal to develop a new tech-based cluster in the UK.

Lean and Agile Research Group: exploring more efficient……

Their aim was to help organisations to respond to new demands, provide a better service for their customers and reduce waste. ... development of an environmentally friendly manufacturing approach. improved profitability through the reduction of 'inventory

Thumbnail for Lean and Agile Research Group: exploring more efficient working methods

Constructing and navigating jurisdictional boundaries……

managers, reveal a set of processes by which mandates and jurisdictions can actually diverge in the formation of a new occupational group, a finding which challenges existing assumptions about the natural

Agency, structure, discourse & entrepreneurship:……

2.5, 8 West, University of Bath. This event is free. This talk sets out to better understand how regions that have experienced a major economic shock can establish a new

Academics, policymakers and industry come together to……

News story. Published on Thu 14 Feb 2019. Updated on Thu 12 Dec 2019. ... Ken also spoke on how through working with the University of Bath's HPC Supply Chain Innovation Lab, they hope to educate a new generation of leaders familiar with supply chain