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Results 21 to 30 of 4,177 for 'chi2 news'. 43 results match all words and 4,134 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Shaping the function of IAAPS

Shaping the function of IAAPS. How research from our academics informed the launch of an innovative new propulsion systems facility. ... 4) journal, on the role of universities as regional anchors in developing a new cluster.

Thumbnail for Shaping the function of IAAPS

Develop your leadership skills with the Help to Grow:……

Strategies for growth and innovation. Strategy and innovation. Digital transformation. Winning new markets. ... business. A place to elevate your potential. Ambition has a new home.

School of Management Alumni Networking Reception - London ……

Why attend this event? This event will allow you to engage with the School of Management and to hear news and updates from your alumni team. ... It will also provide an opportunity for our School of Management community to make new connections and expand

Thumbnail for School of Management Alumni Networking Reception - London

Preparing for your School of Management MSc…

Joining networking events or a student club or society is a great way to meet new people and make friends.

My journey from accountant to baking entrepreneur…

My girlfriend Nat was on furlough and wanted to learn something new to keep busy. ... We ran a pop-up bake sale and made the local news when hundreds of people queued around the streets of Bath!

Thumbnail for My journey from accountant to baking entrepreneur

School of Management Applicant Visit Days…

Bath. We are looking forward to welcoming new students in the new academic year and we hope you’ll be one of them. ... Ambition has a new home. You'll also visit our new building and discover how it will transform your student experience.

Making new connections and gaining career skills in Bath……

Making new connections and gaining career skills in Bath and Canada. ... Studying and meeting new people in Canada. I was privileged to spend a full semester at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.

Thumbnail for Making new connections and gaining career skills in Bath and Canada

School of Management Undergraduate Welcome Week events……

This will be a great opportunity to ask any questions you may have about the course and to meet your new coursemates. ... Personal Tutor Meet and Greet. In this informal session, you will meet with your Academic Personal Tutor in a group with their other