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Results 21 to 30 of 3,241 for 'chi2 news'. 34 results match all words and 3,207 results match some words.

Fully-matching results

Develop your leadership skills with the Help to Grow:……

Strategies for growth and innovation. Strategy and innovation. Digital transformation. Winning new markets. ... business. A place to elevate your potential. Ambition has a new home.

Making new connections and gaining career skills in Bath……

Making new connections and gaining career skills in Bath and Canada. ... Studying and meeting new people in Canada. I was privileged to spend a full semester at Smith School of Business at Queen’s University in Kingston, Canada.

Thumbnail for Making new connections and gaining career skills in Bath and Canada

Centre for Healthcare Innovation & Improvement events ……

At the same time, emerging new technologies and massive amounts of newly available data are changing the landscape of what is possible in healthcare provision. ... This six-week course explores new ways of organising health and social care services to

Thumbnail for Centre for Healthcare Innovation & Improvement events

School of Management Applicant Visit Days…

Bath. We are looking forward to welcoming new students in the new academic year and we hope you’ll be one of them. ... Ambition has a new home. You'll also visit our new building and discover how it will transform your student experience.

Management meets Robin Hemingway

After graduating from the School of Management, I was accepted onto a postgraduate placement in New York.

Thumbnail for Management meets Robin Hemingway

Management meets Ao (Maggie) Lu

In practical sessions, our professor would always ask us ‘Would you want your decision to come out as headlines in the New York or Financial Times?’.

Thumbnail for Management meets Ao (Maggie) Lu

Study abroad during your School of Management……

make new friends and network. ‘This once-in-a-lifetime opportunity helped me to build long-lasting connections far and wide.